Week of 11/30/2020

 We are almost at the finish line. Students will learn formal commands and the subjunctive as we wrap up unit 3. 

They will have vhlcentral and the following Quia activities.

Formal Commands 1

Subjunctive practice

Subjunctive will and influence


Casa en Venta Project

Students will have a flipgrid project due by Thursday.

2nd block https://flipgrid.com/f13207b8

3rd block  https://flipgrid.com/e7920837

4th block  https://flipgrid.com/232b9ee9

Task: You are a real estate agent and you are selling a home located in a Spanish-speaking country.
Create a sales video

Make a video to sell a house or apartment.
In the video include the following:
A picture of the house. It must be from a Spanish-speaking country.
Introduce yourself and tell what real estate agency you work for.
The house's address.
Tell the price in that country's currency.
Tell the number and types of rooms it has.
Make a recommendation using the subjunctive.
Use a formal command to tell the customer to call you and give a phone number.

This assignment is due by Thursday 12/10/20.  It will be your last project.


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